“A powerful catalyst for dialogue about the health of our democracy...full of possibilities for storytelling, research, and teaching.”
“The interactive event was incredible! It was wonderful seeing conservative and liberal students speak about their political philosophy through questions dealing with lived experience. Everyone in the audience loved seeing peers and colleagues get asked about the “why” behind their attitudes, values, and beliefs.”
“...one of the most innovative approaches I have seen to inspire civil discourse on college and university campuses.”
BRING It to the table DVD
Thank you for your interest in the Bring It to The Table DVD!
Bring It to The Table is a 40-minute film which is being used across the country in educational institutions, communities, and people's homes.
Colleges, universities, and community organizations should select "Institutional Rate," which gives you public performance rights to show the film to a non-paying audience in perpetuity. This license is appropriate for anyone who wants to host a public screening where no admission is charged.
Individuals who want to watch the film for personal use, select "Personal Use."
If you need sliding scale pricing, please contact us at bringit@talkingeyesmedia.org.
Bring It to The Table streaming is available for home use through VHX.
Bring It to The Table is available for streaming through Kanopy, an on-demand streaming video service for educational institutions.
FREE Materials that come WITH your LICENSE
When you purchase an institutional license, you will also receive these useful extras to augment your audience's experience: